Home Improvement Resolutions for 2025
The dawn of a new year is a clean slate - typically a time to assess how you want to improve your life – from your health, your happiness to your home. If your 2025 intentions include home improvement, a visit to the upcoming North Atlanta Home Show running January 24-26 can help set you up to slay those resolutions.

Here are some home improvement resolutions you can keep at the show:
1. Resolution: Learn A New Skill.
Chances are your list of 2025 intentions includes things like “be more active”, “move more”, “learn something new” or “get together with friends more”. At the show, we’ve got something that takes care of ALL of the above: Pickleball. For the first time, the show is hosting pickleball clinics right on the show floor. Pickle and Social is hosting 30 minute intro to pickleball clinics, three times a day on a first-come basis. The pickleball court is located in booth 1113 and between clinics the pickleball pros of Pickle and Social will be in booth 1015 to share tips on how you can leave up your pickleball game.
2. Resolution: Revamp Your Living Space.
From one “kitchen” to a different kitchen (if you play pickleball you know) -- if your goals for 2025 include upgrading your space to be more aesthetically pleasing, a visit to the North Atlanta Home Show will fill your vision board with ideas. Design inspiration awaits throughout the show from kitchen, bath, flooring, windows, doors and more. Meet local home renovators – IN REAL LIFE. For a preview of companies, visit Exhibitor List - North Atlanta Home Show.
3. Resolution: Be Smarter With Money.
Aside from health resolutions, financial resolutions are among the most common. If you’re one of the many striving to save money where you can this year – here’s something you may not realize about the North Atlanta Home Show: many exhibitors offer their deepest discounts and show-only specials to guests. Click here for a list of exhibitor exclusive show offers: Show Specials at the North Atlanta Home Show
Other ways to save money at the show are to purchase your tickets in advance – go to North Atlanta Home Show 2025 .
4. Resolution: Prioritize The Best For Yourself.
If treating yourself to the best more often is on your 2025 resolution list, why not get home improvement advice direct from the industry’s most dynamic pros? Pros like Rosa Santiago Zimmerman, CEO, Founder, and Creative Director at RSZ Design +Development, a turn-key design and development firm offering interior design, residential real estate development, construction and project management. She’s sharing her expertise honed from more than 27 years of expertise in the industry.
The best part? No consultation fee – it’s all covered with show admission.
5. Resolution: Improve Your Vocabulary.
Another popular intention is to improve your vocabulary. If that’s you, here’s a word you may hear much more in 2025: biophilia. The word biophilia originates from the Greek, 'philia' meaning 'love of' - so It literally means a love of life or living things. In the home design industry that translates into bringing more greenspace and plants inside. A visit to the show can help you bring biophilia into your home with the return of University of Georgia's Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program and Ask a Master Gardener. Plus, they’re hosting a Spring preview plant sale, where you can order plants and flowers for your garden.

To learn more about other show features that could help you tackle new year’s resolutions, please visit Show Features of the North Atlanta Home Show.